The first person to come up with a new idea isn?t always the one who receives credit for it. Instead, the accolades go to the one who best executes the idea.
So don?t worry if you have a hard time coming up with brilliant suggestions at the office or if you?re not the first one to come up with the next big thing. You surely have colleagues with bright ideas, and there are a few ways for you to walk away with credit for them.
- Share the plan first. If your co-worker is unsure of her idea or taking her sweet time in taking it to the boss, you can beat her to the punch. Hurry up and get the idea ready for prime time and be the first one to present it.
- Share the same plan but with a better presentation. Even if the boss has already heard an idea, you still have a chance to steal the credit with a more impressive presentation. Create a simple, but spectacular PowerPoint and write a speech that?s designed to persuade. Fill them both with inspiring catchphrases and make a flawless delivery. You?ll walk away with credit for a great plan.
- Share a re-worked plan with your own improvements. Most plans have plenty of room for improvement, so take your co-worker?s idea, subtract the weakest elements and add in your own intelligent enhancements. Then you can repackage the idea and sell it as your own.
? Adapted from ?How to Steal a Coworker?s Idea and Sell It As Your Own,? Thorin Klosowski,
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